Thursday, November 30, 2006

Web 2.0- Introduction

For all those ppl wondering what exactly is Web 2.0 and how is it going to change(revolutionize?) the internet experience, here's a good article by O'Reilly.
If you have used Flickr or wikipedia or social networks than you ve had a glimpse of Web2.0! There's a lot of debate as to whether the next-gen version be called Web2.0 or Web3.0 or Web8.0. but anyways version numbers have never made any sense, have they?
Till now only developers, webmasters, site admins had power/authority/discretion to let users access information. But now Web 2.0 emphasizes more on online collaboration and social sharing. This has already resulted in explosion of social network sites(myspace, orkut, facebook), wikipedia, weblogs, linklogs, podcasts, RSS feeds and other forms of many-to-many publishing; Web APIs, Web standards, online Web services, and many others.
A typical Web 2.0 website has following features:
Needless to say there is also a lot of criticism regarding Web 2.0. Some do fear that if a lot of companies developing a same product will lead to "second bubble".
Whatever it may be, one thing is certain that we are about to witness a change. A change that will enhance our lives further.

Reference: wiki
PS: I forgot to add one more point that Web2.0 might potentially change aha Pr0n 2.0 :p

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